Wednesday, June 16, 2010


At 4/6
...we go bbq at daniel's grandma hs^^ so thr we bbq by ourself n explore the skill of bbq =P after tht we go ''roboh'' daniel's room wakaka xD so beautiful his room...haha...especially his strawberry pillow..cute xD
We departs to Genting Inti by 11.30pm accurately...

After slp in chalet for a while..we starting our whole day activities.1st activity is creating own group logo,flag and slogan..My team is THE ONE!! One team One the ONE..UsH!!!^^thn 2nd is learn hw 2 set table and cook banana flambe...^^ 3rd activity i most like tht is volleyball bt the ball is water balloon n we use white cloth to take the balloon...^^ Night activity is talent time...I feel thanks to my group d boy cz they r so steady!!I noe u guys sacrifice much..we girls appreciate it..hehe ^^.althought my group din win bt i feel happy cz cn 1 group v them^^ At midnight we 10 ppl talking n prepare 4 d performance until 3am like tht...xD P.S thanks 2 my group 4 let me have a happy time v u all (Jaces-host,Siet Li-sell coffin boss,Wadi-Mr.Bean,transformer n etc d car's owner,Crystal-Mc'D owner,You Sheng-any parts oso beautiful d,Kok Bin-leg beautiful d,Sam-007,Kok Zong-Sell SK 3 d,Ti Ming-hip vry beautiful de..)

This day our explore race is cancel ='( so we juz go visit d strawberry farm by '11th'' bas...xD at there many strawberry products...=) so lovely n thr I oso cn c strawberry pillows tht similar v Daniel's pillow xD..This day we're leaving Genting Inti n departs to Dusun Eco in closing ceremony we present our performance to Inti's ppl n our friends too^^ vry happy 2 meet Mr.K,Nicholas,Yuri,Vivian and Mars(papa) xD thanks 4 u all so patient whn facing we all this ''monkeys'' xD after say bye,we go to DEP...this day we play wall climbing and kayak cn do free ''leg spa''!! ^^ aT night still play bom-bom game so challengingxD

This day we r leaving to KL...yeaH..shoppinG..!! 1st go berjaya times square 1st...hehe..go their thr whn they ask some questions bout setting in table we all noe 2 answer...ppl at thr so surprise xD thn we all laugh in our heart cz we already learn at G.Inti's xD

2day nid go bck the way,we go 4 sunway to shopping 10am..ppl juz wan 2 open d shop haha..until 2.00pm like tht we go to new Taylor's college at nice and big..^^ at thr thy divide us into 4 groups..thn play lose..xD process is more important!Besides wait the speakers..we visit around the college^^ this college still gt hotel tht build beside hose gok..thy say if parents want cum cn book..== During the talk,we all wan ''fall'' le...I cubit my own face to prevent frm ''fall'' bt oso no use...finally tahan until last gok xD..We all taking pic at thr thn go bck sunway...Me n gang go watch a movie titled "Prince of Persia"!! Nice movie^^ At 10pm we leave KL and go bck 2 our home sweet home ^^ So enjoy this few days ^^