Sunday, July 11, 2010

SurvivaL KeM ^^

This kem is so nice...^^ love it very muchie.....1st day we go thr we are given a pack of food tht contain a pack of maggie,a salted fish,tea,biscuit,rice and a tin of sardin!We live at up of hill so we cnt take bath at waterfall...hehe...we drink river water at thr..haha 1st nite we cook rice and sardin so nice! All of us so hungry,so anything oso delicious 4 us..haha xD..tht nite we 38 v pui mang thm..hahaa...!! 2nd day,we have our breakfast tht is maggie,biscuit n tea..^^yummy..we go to jungle trekking 4 learn hw to survive in!! shock!! thn we go bck to have our lunch..we eat rice v salted fish..honestly,I dun like to eat salted fish but i oso eat only cz cnt nice try oso hehe...lastly i give some to chee huey cz full dy xD...after tht we packing n ready to go down...!! The journey is so challenging!!Love it...
After put our things at dom..we go take bath and go hot spring!! thn play 369 v f5 geng,shern n swee tee...haha...tht nite we eat all the food..nothing left 4 teachers haha XD cz food nt enuf.We oso gt a activity tht is draw a type of tree,label it n state the function of the part of the tree..our group is PopeYa ..xD (papaya)my group member,HsiaO chin,siew mei,sandY,muffY,danieL,chun seong,chee huey,sieT Li,Li ting,Xin yEe,Ee-Lynn,me ^^...thr r so funny....Love them so much!!!After tht we play solo drop at bored inside =.=
Last day we play ''Kepimpinan'' game..tht game so nice n many funny thg happen xD..^^ Thn we r allowed use shampoo to take bath in last day xD nice memory to me 4 tis year..!! I love this kem and my group member much ^^

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