Sunday, January 24, 2010

~~F5 Life~~

I thought f4 is the most busy year I will have...but that's not true!!
Now...f5 is more busier!! Homework like mountain...examples,today's homework 2moro pass up...== (only some)Moral teacher always give essay to write..haiz!!! the sch want to riso a piece of paper also need money...ALL $$$.....(Started this year)Still need to buy workbook ..thn need $$...wallet is bleeding this year!!
Then this year...still want to organize foodfair 4 club...coz my ''gud'' president busy with rumah things....Luckily I have a good helper,vice president...Eric Chua..haha I don't need to do much...
Then still must busy with watikah,kem.........==

Sunday, January 3, 2010


一眨眼就四年了,时间还过得真快~~在这四年里,有甜酸苦辣。。。也有许多回忆值得让我怀念的。。很开心这四年里可以和好朋友们一起疯,一起玩,还有nge nge scam人。。尤其是朋友生日前。。但也躲不过中人scam的命运。。!!今年就要毕业了,真有点舍不得。。。T.T。。又要准备考spm了。。压力大!!!!最惨的是没有senior可以欺负了=X。。哈哈哈哈哈!!也谢谢steven,geok mei,小马他们愿意给我们欺负。。哈哈哈哈!!(对不起咯)^^ 虽然如此,但做人还是需要往前看的。。所以这些以成为过去了。。做好自己才是最重要!!加油吧各位!!! ^^